I've been working on an ionic app, I've come to do some styling on it and I'm having issues with app.scss.
According to the ionic documents I should be able to use app.scss for app-wide styles such as the toolbar etc. but nothing happens when I try to style anything from this file, it's like it's not being included in the build?
The initial project was done by creating the app in CLI with the sidebar menu option as the template and all the scss files work fine in the individual components.
Any idea why the app.scss file isn't working? I've inspected elements I've tried to style and they are not being picked up at all.
An example:
ion-title {
background: red;
this doesn't work, the toolbar background doesn't change, but it does through chrome inspector.
I have tried this in global.scss too and still nothing, funny thing is if I apply a display:none to all elements it works:
* {
display: none;
it just doesn't seem to want to style individual elements like the "ion-title"
There seems to be a bug in ionic 4, the styleUrls won't accept me adding ../app.scss , it throws an error, but I can include ../app.css so I'm just going to auto-compile the scss to css.
I can then include the app.css file in each component and it's working!
There seems to be a bug in ionic 4, the styleUrls won't accept me adding ../app.scss , it throws an error, but I can include ../app.css so I'm just going to auto-compile the scss to css.
I can then include the app.css file in each component and it's working!