I am trying to add a static framework from a private repo using Carthage, but carthage update
results in 'Dependency "«Repo Name»" has no shared framework schemes'.
Despite the error message, the framework's scheme is shared.
Strangely, changing the Mach-O Type to Dynamic Library fixes this, without making any changes to the scheme. Changing it back to Static Library makes the problem reoccur.
I am using Carthage v0.33.0.
github "«private repo name»"
to Cartfilecarthage update
I have faced the same issue with a static library. The only solution I have found is to convert your static library to a Cocoa Touch Framework (Dynamic).
The reason is because Carthage doesn't add support for Static Libraries.
Here is the source: https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage/issues/2285
This process could maybe help you, good luck!
Convert a static library target into a framework target in an Xcode project