In bash script I need to check the stderr and stdout message of the command 1 and run command 2 if a string is found in message
Something like:
command 1
if [ $? != 0 ] and grep stderr and stdout of command 1 and if it contains hello world; then run
command 2
Redirect the output of command1 to a file and then use grep to check if the files contains the string 'hello world'
command1 > /tmp/stdout.$$ 2>/tmp/stderr.$$
if [ $? -ne 0 ] && grep 'hello world' /tmp/stdout.$$ /tmp/stderr; then
You could also combine into a single file using the "2>&1" syntax (redirect file descriptor 2 (stderr) to file descriptor 1 (stdout).
command1 > /tmp/stdout-stderr.$$ 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ] && grep 'hello world' /tmp/stdout-stderr.$$; then