I am trying to concat string and i want to put new line in the output string. I want to send the same string as email body using mailto so that i can display the string in multiple lines. when I put \n I could see in the dev console its printing with newline as formatted but, not in dom or in email body, i can'y use any html tags to break down to new line..any help here
input: line1line2line3line4line5;
I tried : "line1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline5"
actual output: line1 line2 line3 line4 line5
expected output:
You need to encode \n
to pass it as url param %0A
<a href="mailto:test@test.com?body=Hello%2CDear%0AText%0AText%0A" target="_blank">Email</a>
If you are using javascript there is encodeURIComponent
for that.