I have some trouble with the redirection stuff in Linux, here a small schematic to illustrate the goal, better than words (I hope)
+------------+ +----------------+
| std_out +----------+------------------>+ log.log |
+------------+ | +----------------+
| +----------------+
+----------------->>+ |
| histo.log |
+----------------->>+ |
| +----------------+
+------------+ | grep -v "exp" +----------------+
| std_err +---------+------------------>+ error.log |
+------------+ +----------------+
I would like to do this with the output of the script. I succeed to do the log.log and the error.log with the grep,
./script.sh >log.log 2> >(grep -v "Expression" > error.log )
But I'm in trouble with histo.log where it should add (i mean >> or tee -a not >) std_out and the std_err (without the grep) and I don't really understand the advanced stuff about redirection.
If anyone have an idea to solve my problem, I will be thankfull :)
Here's a scary looking use of output process substititions:
$ cat driver.sh
echo line 1 to stdout
echo line 1 to stderr >&2
echo line 2 to stderr is expected >&2
echo line 3 to stderr >&2
$ sh driver.sh > >(tee -a histo.log > log.log) 2> >(tee -a histo.log | grep -v exp > error.log)
$ cat log.log
line 1 to stdout
$ cat histo.log
line 1 to stdout
line 1 to stderr
line 2 to stderr is expected
line 3 to stderr
$ cat error.log
line 1 to stderr
line 3 to stderr
This will append to histo.log, but overwrite the log.log and error.log files, as you indicated in your diagram.