I want to check if a hashtag is followed by a regular text or another hashtag in a python string. for example for the case:
"my adjectives names #Day #Night which are in the description"
, I get false, because after the first hashtag comes again a hashtag. But in other cases for example
"my adjectives names #Day which is in the description"
I will get true. How can I do that with regular expression operations in Python?
I tried:
tweet_text = "my adjectives names #Day #Night which are in the description"
pattern = re.findall(r'\B#\w*[a-zA-Z0-9]+\B#\w*[a-zA-Z0-9]*', tweet_text)
but it doesn't give me any outputs.
An example from the interpreter:
>>> import re
>>> pat = re.compile(r'(#\w+\s+){2,}')
>>> text = 'my adjectives names #Day which are in the description'
>>> pat.search(text)
>>> text = 'my adjectives names #Day #Night which are in the description'
>>> pat.search(text)
<_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(20, 32), match='#Day #Night '>