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Setting custom path for required dll files: electron app

I am writing code to load c++ dll from electron.I am using NaN and bindings (node-gyp) to achieve this. I run the following command to build my node module:

electron-rebuild -f -w yourmodule --arch=ia32

This command creates a Release folder inside build folder where the built .node module is saved. To run my application I need to copy all the dependent dlls to the Release folder. The problem is every time I rebuild my module, all the copied dlls are deleted from Release folder. Is there a way by which I can set custom path for the required dlls?


  • You can add a copies section to your binding.gyp file so that your dlls are copied to the ".node" file location every build.

      "targets": [
            ["OS=='win'", {
                    'destination': '<(module_root_dir)/build/Release',
                    'files': [