I would like to move the label in the cluster node to the top instead of the center. While I could create my own custom layout, it seemed that there are some options in DagreClusterLayout that would probably do this for me when I look at the code
I had no idea how you would do this from the HTML. So I started with:
<ngx-graph class="chart-container" [view]="[800,800]" [links]="links" [nodes]="nodes" [clusters]="clusters" layout="dagreCluster"></ngx-graph>
And changed it to
<ngx-graph class="chart-container" [view]="[800,800]" [links]="links" [nodes]="nodes" [clusters]="clusters" [layout]="layout"></ngx-graph>
under the assumption I would need to create a new object to change the settings.
In the header of my component TypeScript file I have:
import { DagreClusterLayout } from '@swimlane/ngx-graph/lib/graph/layouts/dagreCluster';
import { Alignment } from '@swimlane/ngx-graph/lib/graph/layouts/dagre';
and the body I have
let layout : DagreClusterLayout = new DagreClusterLayout();
layout.settings = layout.defaultSettings;
layout.settings.align = Alignment.UP_LEFT;
this.layout = layout;
However, I am not importing correctly, as I get the errors:
ERROR in ./src/app/my/my.component.ts
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@swimlane/ngx-graph/lib/graph/layouts/dagre' in '(path)\src\app\my'
ERROR in ./src/app/my/my.component.ts
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@swimlane/ngx-graph/lib/graph/layouts/dagreCluster' in '(path)\src\app\my'
Even if my attempt at changing the setting will not achieve the desired result, I would be interested in knowing how to change the settings in general.
I was making things too complicated, anticipating I needed to get inside the layout object. But ngx-graph does this for me with layoutSettings.
<ngx-graph class="chart-container" [view]="[800,800]" [links]="links" [nodes]="nodes" [clusters]="clusters" layout="dagreCluster" [layoutSettings]="{
orientation: 'LR',
marginX: 5,
marginY: 5,
edgePadding: 100,
rankPadding: 20,
nodePadding: 5,
multigraph: true,
compound: true,
align: 'UL'