I'm using Yarn or NPM to install most Node programs, but when I try to install Angular CLI using Yarn, it shows "command not found" (I'm using Indonesian language as my OS language):
leapofazzam@localhost:~$ yarn global add @angular/cli
Perintah 'yarn' tidak ditemukan, tapi dapat dipasang dengan:
apt install cmdtest
leapofazzam@localhost:~$ su
root@localhost:~# yarn global add @angular/cli
Perintah 'yarn' tidak ditemukan, tapi dapat dipasang dengan:
apt install cmdtest
root@localhost:~# su root
root@localhost:~# yarn global add @angular/cli
Perintah 'yarn' tidak ditemukan, tapi dapat dipasang dengan:
apt install cmdtest
Even as root, the message still showing.
A few questions
is npm/node installed? if not (it looks like you are using apt package manager)
apt-get install nodejs
if permissions denied error
sudo apt-get install nodejs
is yarn installed? if not
npm install -g yarn
If permissions denied error try
sudo npm install -g yarn
That should do it