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How can I get Top-k accuracy on PyCaffe during training phase?

I'd like to know if there's a way to get the top-k error on PyCaffe while doing training phase.

I know there's the top_k parameter for the .prototxt file but is there any way I can use it on PyCaffe?

layer {
  name: "accuracy"
  type: "Accuracy"
  bottom: "..."
  bottom: "label"
  top: "accuracy"
  accuracy_param {
    top_k: 5
  include {
    phase: TEST


  • For anyone wondering I just find out you need to put multiple accuracy layers with different top-k numbers. Here is an example of a top-3 accuracy.

    layer {
        name: "accuracy1"
        type: "Accuracy"
        bottom: "score"
        bottom: "label"
        top: "accuracy1"
        include {
          phase: TEST
      layer {
        name: "accuracy2"
        type: "Accuracy"
        bottom: "score"
        bottom: "label"
        top: "accuracy2"
        accuracy_param {
            top_k: 2
        include {
          phase: TEST
      layer {
        name: "accuracy3"
        type: "Accuracy"
        bottom: "score"
        bottom: "label"
        top: "accuracy3"
        accuracy_param {
            top_k: 3
        include {
          phase: TEST