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Copy excel sheet from one worksheet to another in Python

All I want to do is copy a worksheet from an excel workbook to another excel workbook in Python.

I want to maintain all formatting (coloured cells, tables etc.)

I have a number of excel files and I want to copy the first sheet from all of them into one workbook. I also want to be able to update the main workbook if changes are made to any of the individual workbooks.

It's a code block that will run every few hours and update the master spreadsheet.

I've tried pandas, but it doesn't maintain formatting and tables.

I've tried openpyxl to no avail

I thought xlwings code below would work:

import xlwings as xw

wb = xw.Book('individual_files\\file1.xlsx')
sht = wb.sheets[0]
new_wb = xw.Book('Master Spreadsheet.xlsx')
new_wb.sheets["Sheet1"] = sht

But I just get the error:

----> 4 new_wb.sheets["Sheet1"] = sht

AttributeError: __setitem__

"file1.xlsx" above is an example first excel file.

"Master Spreadsheet.xlsx" is my master spreadsheet with all individual files.


  • In the end I did this:

    def copyExcelSheet(sheetName):
    read_from = load_workbook(item)
    #open(destination, 'wb').write(open(source, 'rb').read())
    read_sheet =
    write_to = load_workbook("Master file.xlsx")
    write_sheet = write_to[sheetName]
    for row in read_sheet.rows:
        for cell in row:
            new_cell = write_sheet.cell(row=cell.row, column=cell.column,
                    value= cell.value)
            write_sheet.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(cell.column)].width = read_sheet.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(cell.column)].width
            if cell.has_style:
                new_cell.font = copy(cell.font)
                new_cell.border = copy(cell.border)
                new_cell.fill = copy(cell.fill)
                new_cell.number_format = copy(cell.number_format)
       = copy(
                new_cell.alignment = copy(cell.alignment)
    write_sheet.add_table(newTable("table2","K10:P59","TableStyleLight9"))'Master file.xlsx')

    With this to check if the sheet already exists:

    #checks if sheet already exists and updates sheet if it does.
    def checkExists(sheetName):
        book = load_workbook("Master file.xlsx")   # open an Excel file and return a workbook
        if sheetName in book.sheetnames:
            print ("Removing sheet",sheetName)
            del book[sheetName]
            print ("No sheet ",sheetName," found, will create sheet")
        book.create_sheet(sheetName)'Master file.xlsx')

    with this to create new tables:

    def newTable(tableName,ref,styleName):
        tableName = tableName + ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits + string.ascii_lowercase, k=15))
        tab = Table(displayName=tableName, ref=ref)
        # Add a default style with striped rows and banded columns
        tab.tableStyleInfo = TableStyleInfo(name=styleName, showFirstColumn=False,showLastColumn=False, showRowStripes=True, showColumnStripes=True)
        return tab