I wrote a function that gets an input containing the name of a city/village. Now it seems that the Google API directions matrix does not recognize one of the values given. Does anyone know how to get results anyway? If I type in the village name (Erp, in the Netherlands) in Google Maps, it finds it without struggle.
The code of the function:
def calc_dist(dest):
jsonReq = json.load(uReq(jsonURL + source + "&destinations=" + dest +
"&key=" + googleAPI))
distance = jsonReq['rows'][0]['elements'][0]['distance']['value']
return distance
The error is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "webscraper_tester.py", line 88, in <module>
distance = str(calc_dist(destination))
File "webscraper_tester.py", line 25, in calc_dist
distance = jsonReq['rows'][0]['elements'][0]['distance']['value']
KeyError: 'distance'
The generated URL is as follows:
Google Maps uses ISO 3166-1 country codes in its various APIs and when looking up a locality, it is good to include the country code.
The country code for Netherlands is NL
. If I rewrite your request, removing what looks to be the region code you included and adding the country code, like this:
It then returns:
"destination_addresses": [
"5469 Erp, Netherlands"
"origin_addresses": [
"Nijmegen, Netherlands"
"rows": [{
"elements": [{
"distance": {
"text": "45.7 km",
"value": 45652
"duration": {
"text": "35 mins",
"value": 2113
"status": "OK"
"status": "OK"