Using a MS Access Database to hold my information, it has been working fine up and till this point i created a new method named CreateLicense() which takes in the license class i made and writes it to the database.
When the code is run it will spit out a error stating 'user lacks privilege or object not found: EXPIRED'
Already tried changing the fields names of Expired incase it was a reserved word or something. Also tried removing the Expired field but then flags the same error but with CONTACT instead.
INSERT INTO Licenses (Name, DateRedeemed, Expired, LicenseLength, Contact) VALUES ('name','25/Jun/2019','02/Jul/2019','2','contact')
user lacks privilege or object not found: EXPIRED
Here is the output of my SQL statement This is the code
public boolean CreateLicense(License newLicense) {
try {
File currentDir = new File(""); // Creates a new file
String newFilePath = "jdbc:ucanaccess://" + currentDir.getAbsolutePath().toString() + "\\store\\data\\database1.accdb";
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(newFilePath);
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO Licenses (Name, DateRedeemed, Expired, LicenseLength, Contact) VALUES "
//Values for the SQL Statement
+ "('" + newLicense.getName()//Start Line
+ "','" + newLicense.getRedeemed()//Middle Lines
+ "','" + newLicense.getExpired()//Middle Lines
+ "','" + newLicense.getLicenseLength()//Middle Lines
+ "','" + newLicense.getContact()+ "')");//End Line
return true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
String message = ex.getMessage();
return false;
Some additional information to help solve The table name is Licenses Field Names and their type
UPDATE I created a query using the query design in access, this supplied the information to the database fine, so it cant be the sql which is the issue.
UPDATE When i rename the table in the database and run the application i get the same error but with the table name instead, i am going to create a new database and see if that solves anything
Solution Found
It was a pure moment of stupidity, i had a created a backup database which was saved just outside the fat jar directory, as when you create a fat jar it wipes the folder. At the some point i have opened that to test something forgotten to close and that is where i added the license table.
So when i run the application it actually couldn't find the table due to the file path, I figured this out by testing my other methods, i used my createUser() method which showed which database it was being written to.
For Other users
If you get this error, try the following
Apply Joakim's solution if you are using one large SQL string like i was as it could be a issue with your SQL statement.(And its better programming practise)
Look at your Table name and fields and make sure they are the exact same as your SQL
Run your application and test another method where it was previously working, if successful check where the application has written the value
If all else fails, delete the method, type it from scratch with no copy and paste, create a new database as i had this issue before when i used relationships between tables within my access database
I hope this solution helps others solve this issue.