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vue-class-component : how to create and initialize reflective data

I'm using vuejs with typescript and vue-class-component. I'm trying to create a custom component with reactive data.

Here is my code:

        <input v-model="" placeholder="Name">
        <input v-model="data.value" placeholder="Value">

<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator';

interface Model {
    name: string;
    value: number;
export default class ClubVue extends Vue {
    private data: Model;

    public mounted() { = {...this.$};

In this first version, I've got this error :

Property or method "data" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render

That's normal, as said in vue-class-component page, undefined data won't be reflective. I need to initialize data to null. Furthermore, i get this typescript error:

Property 'data' has no initializer and is not definitely assigned in the constructor

So I want to do this:

private data: Model = null;

But I get this typescript error:

Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'Model'.

I don't wan't to change the data type to Model | null because I would have to check if data is null everywhere I will use it, and I know that data will never be null.

private data!: Model;

Does not work either because data will be undefined and so won't be reactive.

I don't want to turn off typescript checks because they are useful for other parts of code.

Is there a proper way to initialize data here?


  • A correct type for such property is:

    private data: Model | null = null;

    It can be used with type guards:

    if ( {
      console.log(; // Model

    Or non-null assertion operator:

    console.log(!.name); // Model

    A workaround is to cheat typing system with assertion:

    private data: Model = null as unknown as Model;

    vue-class-component doesn't take TypeScript into account because undefined is easier to handle in TypeScript than null, particularly because this would allow to mark a property as optional.

    I know that data will never be null.

    It will be null until the component is mounted, this leaves a room for mistake:

    public created() {
        console.log(; // runtime error but no compilation error
    public mounted() { = {...this.$};