How to multiply individual elements of numpy array of row ith with element of another numpy array of row ith?
The inventory example is that I want to multiply an numpy array(containing the item's (280 of them) costing in USD, Euro) of size [280,2] with an numpy array of size [280,3] (stocks in 3 store houses(representing the column).
I believe I have no problem using for loops to calculate but I am trying to learn techniques of broadcasting and reshape. So I would like your help to point me the correct direction(or methods)
Edit: Example
Array A
[[1.50 1.80]
[3 8 ]]
Array B
[[5 10 20]
[10 20 30]]
Result I require is
[[7.5 9 11.5 18 30 36]
30 80 60 160 90 240]]
The description was a bit fuzzy, as was the example:
In [264]: A=np.array([[1.5,1.8],[3,8]]); B=np.array([[5,10,20],[10,20,30]])
In [265]: A.shape
Out[265]: (2, 2)
In [266]: B.shape
Out[266]: (2, 3)
Looks like you are trying to do a version of outer product, which can be done with broadcasting.
Let's try one combination:
In [267]: A[:,:,None]*B[:,None,:]
array([[[ 7.5, 15. , 30. ],
[ 9. , 18. , 36. ]],
[[ 30. , 60. , 90. ],
[ 80. , 160. , 240. ]]])
The right numbers are there, but not the right order. Let's try again:
In [268]: A[:,None,:]*B[:,:,None]
array([[[ 7.5, 9. ],
[ 15. , 18. ],
[ 30. , 36. ]],
[[ 30. , 80. ],
[ 60. , 160. ],
[ 90. , 240. ]]])
That's better - now just reshape:
In [269]: _.reshape(2,6)
array([[ 7.5, 9. , 15. , 18. , 30. , 36. ],
[ 30. , 80. , 60. , 160. , 90. , 240. ]])
is a partial transpose of _267
, .transpose(0,2,1)