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How to make radio group buttons display horizontally instead of vertically?

I have created a dynamic table in Google App Maker to display class attendance information. Each row contains information for one student and there are multiple rows for the entire class. I would like to use a radio group so the teacher can select a one of several attendance options (i.e., Present, Tardy, Excused, Unexcused). However, the radio group buttons are displayed vertically within each row and take up a lot of space. Is there any way in Google App Maker to change the orientation of the radio group to display horizontally?

I have checked the Google App Maker Widget API which describes properties for the radio group and there is some discussion about in-flow widgets and how they behave with different layout widgets. I am using a vertical panel for the table. However, the radio group behaves the same for horizontal and fixed panels. Other app programs (like for Android) include properties for orientation, however, I see no such property in Google App Maker.

I prefer to use a radio group since the options are mutually exclusive. If I can't change the radio group orientation, I could use individual check boxes but I would need to add the code so the options are automatically treated as mutually exclusive.

Thanks for any help!


  • Thank you, Markus! I'm including a picture and repeating your answer to highlight it for others.

    Towards the top next to your 'Widgets' menu, there is a dropdown menu to select style variants. Horizontal is listed as an option under this category for a radio group. For other objects, this menu usually lists the background color or text style.

    Screenshot of dropdown menu to choose orientation for radio group