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How to use dynamic functions in SQL to get a snake pattern?

I am trying to make temporal decisions over a data set. Let me explain the problem with a simple table:

Time    Var1    Var2    Var3    Var4    Var5    Var6    Total
0:00    1.69    3.27    4.80    2.14    0.70    2.14    
0:05    2.73    2.73    1.60    1.20    0.46    2.14    
0:10    5.45    2.69    4.62    1.15    1.03    4.29    16.28
0:15    2.07    4.74    2.14    1.50    0.43    2.37    
0:20    1.71    4.62    1.79    1.29    0.73    2.37    
0:25    1.88    3.60    4.00    2.09    0.56    2.25    
0:30    5.22    8.57    1.54    2.20    0.48    1.13    14.13
0:35    5.00    5.63    2.93    1.32    1.03    2.05    
0:40    4.29    5.29    2.55    1.14    0.38    1.48

What I am trying to do is to sum across all variables in the same time period until I reach 5 or greater than 5. Once I reach greater than 5, I substract 5 to get the remainder and I continue adding the remainder to the next variable in the next time period and so on. For the the result shown in the first total, the path will be the next one:

Time    Var1    Var2    Var3    Var4    Var5    Var6    Total
0:00    1.69    3.27    4.80            
0:05                            1.20        
0:10                                    1.03    4.29    16.28

I am trying to find the path and the total for every time period.

My table is made vertically and not horizontally as shown in the example. So far I have gotten the cumulative_addition for all the variables using:

sum(value) over(partition by variable, time order by variable) as cumulative_addition

But I don't know if this should be the first step I should take. I have also thought about combining lead and lag functions in a query but then I have problems when I try to increment the time period:

 Time   Variable    Value   Cumulative_addition
0:00    Var1        1.69    1.69
0:00    Var2        3.27    4.96
0:00    Var3        4.80    9.76
0:00    Var4        2.14    11.90
0:00    Var5        0.70    12.60
0:00    Var6        2.14    14.74
0:05    Var1        2.73    17.47
0:05    Var2        2.73    20.20
0:05    Var3        1.60    21.80
0:05    Var4        1.20    23.00

So in 9.76 I should do 9.76-5=4.76 and jump to 0:05 and in var4 to keep adding until I reach 5 again.

Do you think I can solve this problem by using window functions?

Thank you in advance for your help


  • This answer provides a loop for the variables and loads them into a table:

    create table #t
     [Time]  time
     ,[Variable] varchar(10)
     ,    [Value] numeric(5,2)
     --,   [Cumulative_addition] as numeric(5,2)
     insert into #t
    ('0:00'    ,'Var1'        ,1.69)    --1.69)
    ,('0:00'    ,'Var2'        ,3.27)   -- 4.96
    ,('0:00'   ,'Var3'        ,4.80  )  --9.76
    ,('0:00'    ,'Var4'        ,2.14  )  --11.90
    ,('0:00'    ,'Var5'        ,0.70   ) --12.60
    ,('0:00'    ,'Var6'        ,2.14    )--14.74
    ,('0:05'    ,'Var1'        ,2.73)    --17.47
    ,('0:05'    ,'Var2'        ,2.73 )   --20.20
    ,('0:05'    ,'Var3'        ,1.60  )  --21.80
    ,('0:05'    ,'Var4'        ,1.20   ) --23.00
    declare @v as numeric(7,4)
    declare @total numeric(7,4) = 0
    declare @calc numeric(7,4) = 0
    declare @time time ='0:00'
    declare @i int = 1
    create table #answers (variable int, [Time] time, Value numeric(7,4))
        select @v=[Value] 
            from #t where time = @time and [Variable] = 'Var' + cast(@i as varchar(1))
        set @calc=@calc+@v
        set @total = @total+@v
        insert into #answers
        if @calc>=5 
            set @time = dateadd(mi,5,@time)
            set @calc = @calc-5
        set @i=@i+1
        set @v=null
    select *
    from #answers
    drop table #t,#answers


    variable    Time    Value
    1   00:00:00.0000000    1.6900
    2   00:00:00.0000000    3.2700
    3   00:00:00.0000000    4.8000
    4   00:05:00.0000000    1.2000
    5   00:10:00.0000000    NULL
    6   00:10:00.0000000    NULL