Im followed a tutorial to create a maze with Recursive Backtracking and it works great.
Im trying to create a game where people get on the same maze, and if someone wins, it creates a new maze and everyones current maze gets updated.
So what i was thinking is to have a seed to create the same maze and pass that seed to all the players so they can have the same maze.
Is there a way to modify it so i can give the maze a seed and it creates always the same maze?
This is what i have now:
It uses a Cell class (posx,posy)
class Cell(var col:Int = 0, var row: Int = 0){
var topWall = true
var leftWall = true
var bottomWall = true
var rightWall = true
var visited = false
fun createMaze(){
var stack = Stack<Cell>()
var current:Cell
var next:Cell?
for(x in 0 until COLS){
for(y in 0 until ROWS){
cells[x][y] = Cell(x,y)
player = cells[0][0]
exit = cells [COLS-1][ROWS-1]
current = cells[0][0]
current.visited = true
next = getNeighbour(current)
if(next != null) {
removeWall(current, next)
current = next
current.visited = true
current = stack.pop()
}while (!stack.empty())
fun getNeighbour(cell:Cell): Cell? {
var vecinos: ArrayList<Cell> = ArrayList()
//vecino izquierda
if(cell.col > 0) {
if (!cells[cell.col - 1][cell.row].visited) {
vecinos.add(cells[cell.col - 1][cell.row])
//vecino derecha
if(cell.col < COLS - 1) {
if (!cells[cell.col + 1][cell.row].visited) {
vecinos.add(cells[cell.col + 1][cell.row])
//vecino arriba
if(cell.row > 0) {
if (!cells[cell.col][cell.row - 1].visited) {
vecinos.add(cells[cell.col ][cell.row - 1])
//vecino abajo
if(cell.row < ROWS - 1) {
if (!cells[cell.col][cell.row + 1].visited) {
vecinos.add(cells[cell.col][cell.row + 1])
if (vecinos.size > 0) {
var index = random.nextInt(vecinos.size)
return vecinos[index]
}else {
return null
fun removeWall(current:Cell,next:Cell){
if (current.col == next.col && current.row == next.row +1){
current.topWall = false
next.bottomWall = false
if (current.col == next.col && current.row == next.row -1){
current.bottomWall = false
next.topWall = false
if (current.col == next.col + 1 && current.row == next.row){
current.leftWall = false
next.rightWall = false
if (current.col == next.col - 1 && current.row == next.row){
current.rightWall = false
next.leftWall = false
If you want to pass a seed to create the maze, then you have to make sure that all of the players are using the same random number generator. Which means you have to supply your own random number generator implementation.
The application would seed the random number generator with the value you pass, and then it should deterministically generate the same sequence of random numbers for each client.
Note also that you can't ever change the random number generator implementation unless you can prove that the new implementation will generate exactly the same sequence of numbers that the original did.