I am new to logstash and grok and I am trying to parse AWS ECS logs in an S3 bucket in the following format -
File Name - my-logs-s3-bucket/3d265ee3-d2ee-4029-a3d9-fd2255d69b92/ecs-fargate-container-8ff0e472-c76f-4f61-a363-64c2b80aa842/000000.gz
Sample Lines -
2019-05-09T16:16:16.983Z JBoss Bootstrap Environment
2019-05-09T16:16:16.983Z JBOSS_HOME: /app/jboss
2019-05-09T16:16:16.983Z JAVA_OPTS: -server -XX:+UseCompressedOops -Djboss.server.log.dir=/var/log/jboss -Xms128m -Xmx4096m
And logstash.conf
input {
s3 {
region => "us-east-1"
bucket => "my-logs-s3-bucket"
interval => "7200"
filter {
grok {
match => ["message", "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:tstamp}"]
date {
match => ["tstamp", "ISO8601"]
mutate {
remove_field => ["tstamp"]
add_field => {
"file" => "%{[@metadata][s3][key]}"
######### NEED HELP HERE - START #########
#grok {
# match => [ "file", "ecs-fargate-container-%{DATA:containerlogname}"]
######### NEED HELP HERE - END #########
output {
stdout { codec => rubydebug {
#metadata => true
I am able to see all the logs parsed and the file name extracted when I run logstash using the above configuration and the file name from the output looks like below -
"file" => "myapp-logs/3d265ee3-d2ee-4029-a3d9-fd2255d69b92/ecs-fargate-container-8ff0e472-c76f-4f61-a363-64c2b80aa842/000000.gz",
I am trying to use grok to extract the file name as either ecs-fargate-container-8ff0e472-c76f-4f61-a363-64c2b80aa842
or 8ff0e472-c76f-4f61-a363-64c2b80aa842
by uncommenting grok config lines between #NEED HELP HERE - START
and ending with the below error -
Expected one of #, => at line 21, column 10 (byte 536) after filter {\n grok {\n match => [\"message\", \"%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:tstamp}\"]\n }\n date {\n match => [\"tstamp\", \"ISO8601\"]\n }\n mutate {\n #remove_field => [\"tstamp\"]\n add_field => {\n \"file\" => \"%{[@metadata][s3][key]}\"\n }\n grok ", :
I am not sure where I am going wrong with this. Please advice.
Your grok
filter was inside the mutate
filter, try the following.
filter {
grok {
match => ["message", "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:tstamp}"]
date {
match => ["tstamp", "ISO8601"]
mutate {
remove_field => ["tstamp"]
add_field => { "file" => "%{[@metadata][s3][key]}" }
grok {
match => [ "file", "ecs-fargate-container-%{DATA:containerlogname}"]