I would like to show/hide a table when a font-awesome chevron button is clicked.
The following code comes from http://jsfiddle.net/z0y0hp8o/6/. I would like to do the same thing, but in clojurescript using java interop.
(document).on('click', '.panel-heading span.clickable', function(e){
var $this = $(this);
if(!$this.hasClass('panel-collapsed')) {
} else {
} })
Here is my draft attempt in clojurescript.
(if (-> e -target -value
(.getElementsByClassName js/document "panel-collapsed"))
(.slideUp js/document
(.find js/document ".specialCollapse"
(.parentElements js/document ".panel")))
(.addClass "panel-collapsed")
(.addClass "fas fa-chevron-down"
(.removeClass "fas fa-chevron-up"
(.find "i"))))
(.slideDown js/document
(.find js/document ".specialCollapse"
(.parentElements js/document ".panel")))
(.removeClass "panel-collapsed")
(.addClass "fas fa-chevron-up"
(.removeClass "fas fa-chevron-down"
(.find "i")))))
Found something that worked for me. I already had Bulma installed in my project, and was able to utilize a Bulma dropdown feature, with the following function from derHowie.
(defn toggle-class [id toggled-class]
(let [el-classList (.-classList (.getElementById js/document id))]
(if (.contains el-classList toggled-class)
(.remove el-classList toggled-class)
(.add el-classList toggled-class))))
implemented like
[:div {:class "dropdown-trigger"}
[:button {:class "button" :aria-haspopup "true" :aria-controls "drop-down-menu"
:on-click #(toggle-class "table-dropdown" "is-active")}
[:span "Table"]
[:span {:class "icon is-small"}
[:i {:class "fas fa-angle-down" :aria-hidden "true"}]]]]
[:div {:class "dropdown-menu" :id "dropdown-menu" :role "menu"}
[:div {:class "dropdown-item"}
Pretty much, you can call the function toggle-class
and send it the id of the element that you wish to modify, and the "is-active" class, and if that class is already applied to an element, it toggles it off, and then back on again. @Dennis provided a nice way to toggle the chevron up/down icon as well.