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ColdFusion queryExecute parameters object?

I started using cfscript in my projects recently. While working with cfscript I used queryExecute() function to run queries. In few situations there was more than one query in the same function. These queries shared some of the same parameters. I was wondering if I can have one structure that will hold all parameters for all queries. This is what I tried:

local.qryParams = structNew();
structAppend(qryParams, {rec_id = {cfsqltype="cf_sql_numeric", value="#arguments.rec_id#"}});
structAppend(qryParams, {position = "#application.position#"});
structAppend(qryParams, {user_id = "#client.userid#"});
structAppend(qryParams, {title = {cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar", value="#arguments.title#", maxlength: 50}});
structAppend(qryParams, {description = {cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar", value="#arguments.description#", maxlength: 1000}});

Then I have two variables with SQL:

local.insertSQL = "
    INSERT INTO notes(rec_id, title, description, user_id, last_update) 
    VALUES (:rec_id, :title, :description, :user_id, getDate())
local.updateSQL = "
    UPDATE profile
    SET last_update = getDate(),
        user_id = :user_id
    WHERE rec_id = :rec_id
        AND position = :position

Then on the very end I have two execute functions:

queryExecute(insertSQL, qryParams , {datasource="#application.datasource#", result: "insertResult"});
queryExecute(updateSQL, qryParams , {datasource="#application.datasource#", result: "updateResult"});

Both functions executed successfully and record was inserted/updated. My questions are:

  • Is this a good approach to store all query parameters in one structure?
  • Is there any potential problem or security issue doing it that way?
  • Any suggestions/comments?

Thank you!


  • This is kind of an open ended question, but here goes

    Q1: Is this a good approach to store all query parameters in one structure?
    A1: Yes, but you may want to consider using entities if you like this.

    Q2: Is there any potential problem or security issue doing it that way?
    A2: None that I know of

    Q3: Any suggestions/comments?

    1. If your datasource is in application.cfc, you don't need to explicity state it.

    2. You are getting the result the hard way. Consider myResult=QueryExecute(...)

    3. You can build the struct in one shot. You don't need all these structAppend()s. structNew() is way too much typing. Consider {}.

    4. user_id = "#client.userid#" is way too much typing... Just user_id = client.userid is enough.

    5. You changed styles of building structs {cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar", value="#arguments.title#", maxlength: 50}. IMHO, use : instead of =

    Hope this is helpful