I have configured Serilog in my .NET framework solution. I have setup multiple sinks including a sink for email via the Serilog.Sinks.Email
package. The sink works correctly. I realized after setting it up that I have to use Logger.FlushAndClose()
to actually send the emails in the pipeline. How can I send the email notification / flush the pipeline through Serilog immediately (or shortly after) it is logged?
I am building a windows service that will remain online for extended periods of time, so shutting down & rebuilding the Serilog logging pipeline every time I need to send an email is not going to work.
Ideally, something like Logger.Flush()
, but that doesn't seem to exist.
You can band-aid fix this by specifying the batch posting limit.
By setting the batchPostingLimit
parameter to 1 when initializing the email sink, emails will be sent after each logging occurs.
logger = logger.WriteTo.Email(
fromEmail: "test@gmail.com",
toEmail: toEmail,
mailServer: "mailserver.com",
restrictedToMinimumLevel: LogEventLevel.Error,
mailSubject: "Log Notification",
batchPostingLimit: 1