when trying to getDownloadURL from firebase storage i get same issue an infinite request and this is Mycode:
Mycomponent HTML
<div *ngIf="(geturlimagefromserver() | async) as imgc ;else loadiing ">
[src]="imgc | ''"
style=" margin: 4px;
width: 246px;
height: 175px; display: block;"
<ng-template #loadiing>
<div class="text-menuted">Loading image...</div>
Mycomponent Component
geturlimagefromserver():Observable <any>{
console.log('i get hier infinite loop ');
return this.RobotService.getMetadata(path);
i saw in my console infinity print the word "i get hier infinite loop "
MyService Service
getMetadata() :Observable <any>{
const ref = this.storage.ref('myfile/img1');
return ref.getDownloadURL();}
is when i calling the function :
geturlimagefromserver() in Mycomponent.html i get infinite Request in network from my browser
but when i calling my function : getMetadata() in Mycomponent.component.ts like this
console.log("its work so fun");
its work so fun and he give met exactly url downloader from fire storage
Is not so much you are in an infinite loop , what happens is the function get Url is getting called every time angular checks the DOM, so it seems like an infinite loop.
You should avoid using functions directly on the html for said reason, do it on the component, or you can use a pipe.
In short is not an issue with firebaseStorage but how the changeDetection works within Angular.