Hello I need to translate this query from an Oracle Database to MSSQL and get the exact same result:
WHEN REGEXP_LIKE(E.EVENTS, 'selfServe:[^:]*:completed[:]')
My following attempts have all failed:
WHEN EVENTS LIKE '%[:]selfServe[:][^:]%[:]completed[:]%'
EVENTS LIKE '%[:]selfServe[:]%[^:][:]completed[:]%'
WHERE PATINDEX('selfServe:[^:]*:completed[:]', EVENTS) != 0
WHERE PATINDEX('selfServe:[^:]%:completed[:]', EVENTS) != 0
This should not match:
While this should match:
In the first case I have authentication:completed
but not selfServe:Payment:completed
Personally I would tackle this with a string splitting function that looks for the appropriate selfServe:...:completed
within one of the comma delimited strings. If you are using a fairly modern version of SQL Server, you may be able to do this using the built in string_split
declare @t table(id int,t varchar(1000));
insert into @t values
select t.id
from @t as t
cross apply string_split(t.t,',') as s
where case when patindex('%:selfServe:%',s.value) > 0
and patindex('%:completed:%',s.value) > 0
then 1
else 0
end = 1;
| id | value | t |
| 2 | Payment:selfServe:Payment:completed:: | OpenQ2,Payment,Payment:selfServe:Payment:initiated::,Payment:authentication:Authentication:initiated::,Payment:authentication:Authentication:initiated::,Payment:authentication:Authentication:completed::,Payment:selfServe:Payment:completed::,HUP |
If not, you will need to roll your own string splitter. I am going to assume that you may have some fairly long strings here (more than 4000 characters) and am therefore using an XML
based splitter that works well with max
data types.
As you are doing this within a BI tool that I am assuming will not allow you to make a new Table Valued Function within the database, you will need a fairly complex statement to process your data, that incorporates the string splitter inline:
declare @t table(id int,t varchar(1000));
insert into @t values
with s as
( -- Convert the string to an XML value, replacing the delimiter with XML tags
select id
,convert(xml,'<x>' + replace((select '' + t for xml path('')),',','</x><x>') + '</x>').query('.') as s
from @t
select id
,t -- Select the values from the generated XML value by CROSS APPLYing to the XML nodes
from(select id
,n.x.value('.','nvarchar(max)') as item
from s
cross apply s.nodes('x') as n(x)
) a
where case when patindex('%:selfServe:%',a.item) > 0
and patindex('%:completed:%',a.item) > 0
then 1
else 0
end = 1;
| id | item | t |
| 2 | Payment:selfServe:Payment:completed:: | OpenQ2,Payment,Payment:selfServe:Payment:initiated::,Payment:authentication:Authentication:initiated::,Payment:authentication:Authentication:initiated::,Payment:authentication:Authentication:completed::,Payment:selfServe:Payment:completed::,HUP |