I'm trying to filter a list in Python by taking all the entries of type None out, but when I try to do so I get the error 'TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable.' I can't see where I'm going wrong.
The original error actually came with the line if u"Restaurants" not in business[u"categories"]: Where I got the same error as earlier, so I tried filtering a few lines back to avoid it, but I run into the same problem
This is the full chunk of code, although the error message comes in at the filter function
import json
restaurant_ids = set()
# open the businesses file
with codecs.open(businesses_filepath, encoding='utf_8') as f:
# iterate through each line (json record) in the file
for business_json in f:
# convert the json record to a Python dict
business = json.loads(business_json)
business[u"categories"] = filter(lambda a: a is not None, business[u"categories"])
print business[u"categories"]
# if this business is not a restaurant, skip to the next one
if u"Restaurants" not in business[u"categories"]:
# add the restaurant business id to our restaurant_ids set
# turn restaurant_ids into a frozenset, as we don't need to change it anymore
restaurant_ids = frozenset(restaurant_ids)
# print the number of unique restaurant ids in the dataset
print '{:,}'.format(len(restaurant_ids)), u'restaurants in the dataset.'
The file I'm trying to filter consists of a JSON with lots of entries that look like this. Some of the categories simply have 'None' in them which seems to be the problem.
{"business_id":"1SWheh84yJXfytovILXOAQ","name":"Arizona Biltmore Golf Club","address":"2818 E Camino Acequia Drive","city":"Phoenix","state":"AZ","postal_code":"85016","latitude":33.5221425,"longitude":-112.0184807,"stars":3.0,"review_count":5,"is_open":0,"attributes":{"GoodForKids":"False"},"categories":"Golf, Active Life","hours":null}
The code should remove all non-'Restaurant' categories after the if statement, but I can't seem to even get to that stage.
It throws the error
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-84-ac1362de4f26> in <module>()
11 business = json.loads(business_json)
---> 13 business[u"categories"] = filter(lambda a: a is not None, business[u"categories"])
14 # print business[u"categories"]
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
filter(lambda a: a is not None, business[u"categories"])
tries to remove all occurences of None
from business["categories"]
- which assumes that business["categories"]
is an iterable. If it's None
(just one single None
, not a list containing None
), it will indeed raise this exact error:
business = {"categories": None}
filter(lambda a: a is not None, business[u"categories"])
What you want here is to test whether business[u"categories"]
is None
, not whether it contains None
with codecs.open(businesses_filepath, encoding='utf_8') as f:
# iterate through each line (json record) in the file
for business_json in f:
business = json.loads(business_json)
categories = business[u"categories"]
if categories is None:
# if it's None it cannot contain "Restaurant" obviously
if u"Restaurants" not in categories:
# ok it's a restaurant