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How can i control the ripple fade in and out duration?

I write an android code that has ripple effect by adding:


I need to tweak it. I know how to change the ripple color. But do you think the following are even possible to tune?

  • On tap (click and let go), show regular on press color, no ripple.
  • When holding the finger longer - show ripple
  • Start fade out after 6 milliseconds after the on press

I know adding a drawable selector allows to control more states, but I don't think it can control duration.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
  <item android:state_pressed="true">
    <shape android:shape="oval">
      <solid android:color="@color/grey200_alpha_10"/>
  <item android:state_focused="true">
    <shape android:shape="oval">
      <solid android:color="@color/grey200_alpha_12"/>
  <item android:state_hovered="true">
    <shape android:shape="oval">
      <solid android:color="@color/grey200_alpha_4"/>

Is it possible?


  • If you wish to proceed with github library then this can help you

    It has a property called app:rv_rippleDuration which lets you control the duration. Also it has many other properties. Must try it out


    Here is a nice answer given by Sunny on StackOverflow

    Under the /platforms/android-14/data/res/themes.xml you can find the sources that @android:integer/config_mediumAnimTime is used for the duration you want to tweak.

    Now, you can create your own custom drawable file and change the time as per your requirement.

    <selector xmlns:android=""
    <item android:state_window_focused="false" android:drawable="@color/transparent" />
    <!-- Even though these two point to the same resource, have two states so the drawable will invalidate itself when coming out of pressed state. -->
    <item android:state_focused="true"  android:state_enabled="false" android:state_pressed="true" android:drawable="@drawable/list_selector_background_disabled" />
    <item android:state_focused="true"  android:state_enabled="false"                              android:drawable="@drawable/list_selector_background_disabled" />
    <item android:state_focused="true"                                android:state_pressed="true" android:drawable="@drawable/list_selector_background_transition" />
    <item android:state_focused="false"                               android:state_pressed="true" android:drawable="@drawable/list_selector_background_transition" />
    <item android:state_focused="true"                                                             android:drawable="@drawable/list_selector_background_focused" />
    <item android:drawable="@color/transparent" />