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communications between c++ and simulink via udp

I am trying to let my c++ program communicate with simulink model via udp, and in particularly the plan is that data will be transmitted from c++ to simulink, and will be processed using some simulink models, then the result will be sent back to c++ for further programming, and data trasmissions will be realized through udp, (udp socket for c++, and udp real time send/receive block for simulink). And it will repeat a few times.

I've built a while loop, where c++ keeps reading data from a txt file and sends it to simulink via udp, which works well, the data has been multiplied by 2 and sent back towards c++, but c++ cannot receive correct data as was sent from simulink. The data it received during each cycle is "0". But if the data I sent was a constant, the receiving function in c++ works fine as well.

ifstream file_x("x1.txt"); ifstream file_y("y1.txt"); ifstream file_z("z1.txt"); double x; double y; double z; int main() { //Local Varaiable definition cout<<"\t\t--------------------UDP Server----------------"<<endl; cout<<endl; WSADATA WinsockData; int iWsaStartup; int iWsaCleanup; SOCKET UDPSocketServer1; SOCKET UDPSocketClient3; struct sockaddr_in UDPClient1; struct sockaddr_in UDPServer3; char Buffer1[200]; char Buffer3[200]; int iBufferLen1 = 200+1; int iBufferLen3 = 200+1; int iBind3; int iReceiveFrom; int iSendTo; int iUDPClientLen1 = sizeof(UDPClient1); int iUDPClientLen2 = sizeof(UDPClient2); int iUDPServerLen3 = sizeof(UDPServer3); int iCloseSocket1; int iCloseSocket3; //STEP-1: initialization of Winsock iWsaStartup = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &WinsockData); if (iWsaStartup != 0) { cout<<"WSAStartUp Fun Failed!"<<endl; } else { cout<<"WSAStartUp Success"<<endl; } //STEP-2: Fill the UDPClient(SOCKET ADDRESS) Structure UDPClient1.sin_family = AF_INET; UDPClient1.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); UDPClient1.sin_port = htons(8001); UDPServer3.sin_family = AF_INET; UDPServer3.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); UDPServer3.sin_port = htons(8003); //STEP-3: Socket Creation UDPSocketServer1 = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (UDPSocketServer1 == INVALID_SOCKET) { cout<<"Socket1 Creation Failed & Error No ->"<<WSAGetLastError()<<endl; } else { cout<<"Socket1 Creation Success"<<endl; } UDPSocketClient3 = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (UDPSocketClient3 == INVALID_SOCKET) { cout<<"Socket3 reation Failed = "<<WSAGetLastError()<<endl; } else { cout<<"Socket3 Creation Success"<<endl; } //STEP-4: Bind the server iBind3 = bind(UDPSocketClient3, (SOCKADDR*)&UDPServer3, sizeof(UDPServer3)); if (iBind3 == SOCKET_ERROR) { cout<<"Binding Failed & Error No ->"<<WSAGetLastError()<<endl; } //STEP-4-1: SendTo Fun send data to client while (!file_x.eof()) { file_x >> x; file_y >> y; file_z >> z; sprintf_s(Buffer1,200,"%0.2f\r\n %0.2f\r\n %0.2f\r\n",x,y,z); iSendTo = sendto(UDPSocketServer1, Buffer1, iBufferLen1, MSG_DONTROUTE, (SOCKADDR*)&UDPClient1, sizeof(UDPClient1)); if (iSendTo == SOCKET_ERROR) { cout<<"Sending Data Failed & Error No ->"<<WSAGetLastError()<<endl; } else { cout<<"Sending Data Success"<<endl; } iReceiveFrom = recvfrom(UDPSocketClient3, Buffer3, iBufferLen3, MSG_PEEK, (SOCKADDR*)&UDPServer3, &iUDPServerLen3); if (iReceiveFrom == SOCKET_ERROR) { cout<<"Receiving failed & Error No ->"<<WSAGetLastError()<<endl; } else { cout<<"Receiving Success"<<endl; cout<<"Receive Data ->"<<Buffer3<<endl; } } //STEP-6: CloseSocket Function iCloseSocket1 = closesocket(UDPSocketServer1); if (iCloseSocket1 == SOCKET_ERROR) { cout<<"Socket1 Closing failed & Error No ->"<<WSAGetLastError()<<endl; } else { cout<<"Socket1 Closing Success"<<endl; } iCloseSocket3 = closesocket(UDPSocketClient3); if (iCloseSocket3 == SOCKET_ERROR) { cout<<"Socket3 Closing failed & Error No ->"<<WSAGetLastError()<<endl; } else { cout<<"Socket3 Closing Success"<<endl; } //STEP-7: WSACleanUp Fun for Terminating from DLL iWsaCleanup = WSACleanup(); if (iWsaCleanup == SOCKET_ERROR) { cout<<"WSA Cleanup Success"<<endl; } else { cout<<"WSA Cleanup Success"<<endl; } system("pause"); return 0; }


  • I found that flag in recvfrom function matters in this issue, which can be referred to its document and I've changed MSG_PEEK to 0 and considering my application, I've used another project for only receiving data sent from simulink, and the issue has been solved.