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How to extract the running process using prometheus node exporter?

I have downloaded the prometheus node exporter in prometheus official site for my linux system.

If i run the node exporter file , it is running fine and able to see the metrics in 9100 port.

In 9100 metrics , i am looking to extract the running process (for example: i need to extract any running application like 'chrome' browser) , but i do not have any config files inside the node exporter directory to filter the running process.

Is their any commands available to filter the required running process in node exporter like, ./node_exporter "filter process like 'chrome'"

can i use "prometheus.yml" file 'labels' to filter running process in my linux system.

Kindly suggest me , how to extract the running process and system details in node exporter.


  • Node Exporter is oriented towards providing measurements on machine-level (kernel|OS) metrics.

    It is possible to configure Node exporter to surface aggregate (!) process measurements but not possible to configure it to surface per-process measurements. The reasoning is that measurements over a reasonable number of processes could swamp the exporter.

    There is a (companion) solution that will permit you to report on a filtered set of processes. I've not used this but found it while responding to your question: