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Why is Azure SQL database so expensive?

For a small personal coding project I recently created a SQL database in Azure. For the past weeks I have been hardly using the database, out of 2 GB available space I have been using only 13 MB.

However, the database costs me 6,70 EUR per day and I don't understand why this is the case. Read a few topics/posts stating that the costs with similar use should be around 5-7 EUR per month, not per day.

This is the configuration for the database:

  • No elastic pool
  • General purpose, Gen5, 2 vCores
  • West Europe

Does anyone have an idea about what could be causing the costs per month to be so high?


  • You choosed the General purpose, Gen5, 2 vCores price tier. Here is the cost every month: enter image description here

    This means that you must pay for it no matter how many space you used. As you said you just used only 13M. So you must change the Pricing tier.

    What I suggest you is configure you database price to Bacic which only cost you 4.99 USD per month. Basic price tier provides 5 DTUs and Max size 2GB for you. enter image description here

    You can change the price tier on the database overview site: enter image description here

    Hope this helps.