I am trying to solve the N-queen problem. You can find the problem in https://leetcode.com/problems/n-queens/.
For Backtracking, I have learned that we can solve the problem with three keys:
Make Choices
So I came up with this solution:
func solveNQueens(_ n: Int) -> [[String]] {
typealias ChessBoard = [[Int]]
var result = Set<ChessBoard>()
func getIndexsOfDiagonal(row:Int,column:Int) -> [(row:Int,col:Int)] {
var indexs = [(Int,Int)]()
var rowIndex = row
var colIndex = column
while rowIndex < n && colIndex < n {
rowIndex += 1
colIndex += 1
rowIndex = row
colIndex = column
while rowIndex >= 0 && colIndex >= 0 {
rowIndex -= 1
colIndex -= 1
rowIndex = row
colIndex = column
while rowIndex >= 0 && colIndex < n {
rowIndex -= 1
colIndex += 1
rowIndex = row
colIndex = column
while rowIndex < n && colIndex >= 0 {
rowIndex += 1
colIndex -= 1
return indexs
func placeQuees(chessboard:ChessBoard,row:Int,column:Int) ->ChessBoard {
var newChessBorad = chessboard
//set row
for index in 0..<n {
newChessBorad[row][index] = -1
//set column
for index in 0..<n {
newChessBorad[index][column] = -1
//set diagonal
for index in getIndexsOfDiagonal(row:row,column:column) {
newChessBorad[index.row][index.col] = -1
newChessBorad[row][column] = 1
return newChessBorad
func solve(chessboard:ChessBoard, queens: Int) {
if queens == 0 {
for row in 0..<n {
for col in 0..<n {
if chessboard[row][col] == 0 {
let new = placeQuees(chessboard: chessboard, row: row, column: col)
solve(chessboard: new, queens: queens - 1)
solve(chessboard: Array(repeating: Array(repeating: 0, count: n), count: n), queens: n)
return result.map {
$0.map {
//row to string
$0.reduce("") { string,value in
if value == 1 {
return string + "Q"
} else {
return string + "."
But it hits time limited. So I am wondering whether my solution is using Backtracking? What goes wrong, How can I improve the solution, How can we Solve the Backtracking problem? What defines Backtracking?
Thanks a lot.
Your solution is backtracking. It backtracks when it can no longer find an available space (chessboard[row][col] == 0
) to place a queen. Since it is finding all possible solutions, it also backtracks after it finds a solution and inserts it into the result
Your solution is merely trying too many trial positions in each call to solve
. Note that there can only ever be one queen on any given row. Because of this, solve
can work more efficiently by only trying to place queens on a single row in each call to solve
. In the first call to solve
, try placing the queen on row 0
. Then, you'll only be considering n
possible placements instead of n * n
. On the second call to solve
, try placing the queen on row 1
. The current row
can be computed as n
minus the number of queens remaining or n - queens
With this slight modification, your code runs much faster and successfully passes when submitted to LeetCode:
func solve(chessboard:ChessBoard, queens: Int) {
if queens == 0 {
else {
let row = n - queens
for col in 0..<n {
if chessboard[row][col] == 0 {
let new = placeQuees(chessboard: chessboard, row: row, column: col)
solve(chessboard: new, queens: queens - 1)