Is it possible to get records between a Timespan from a DataTable using the RowFilter property of the Defaultview that belongs to the table.
I would like to check if Current Time(DateTime.Now.ToString())
falls withing the Time defined in the Database table schema. Schema of the table is defined below
`Name | From | To | JoinedOn |`
where From To are datetime columns on the database table. I would like to compare only time values from the datetime columns rather than the dates also. I Tried below but doesn't yield the result.
dt_Temp.DefaultView.RowFilter = "From < '"+ DateTime.Now.ToString()+"' AND To >'"+ DateTime.Now.ToString()+"'";
anyone have any idea?
.Net Framework 2.0
ViSual studio 2005
Sql server express 2005
I would skip the DefaultView and write a Linq query agains the DataTable instead
var time = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay;
var q =
from row in dt_Temp.AsEnumerable();
where row.Field<DateTime>("From").TimeOfDay < time && row.Field<DateTime>("To").TimeOfDay > time
select row;
Edit Here is a 2.0 compatible function of that query
private static IEnumerable<DataRow> GetRows(DataTable dt_Temp)
TimeSpan time = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay;
foreach (DataRow row in dt_Temp.Rows)
if(((DateTime)row["From"]).TimeOfDay < time && ((DateTime)row["To"]).TimeOfDay > time)
yield return row;