I'm using a fairly simple encryption/decryption Ruby script, and it seems to work - BUT the decryption bit corrupts the first few bytes of the message. What am I missing?
Here's the code:
key = OpenSSL::Random.random_bytes(16)
plain_text = "Some important txt we want to encrypt"
cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher::AES128.new(:CBC)
cipher.key = key
cipher_text = cipher.update(plain_text) + cipher.final
cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher::AES128.new(:CBC)
cipher.key = key
decrypted_plain_text = cipher.update(cipher_text) + cipher.final
puts "AES128 in CBC mode"
puts "Plain text: " + plain_text
puts "Cipher text: " + urlsafe_encode64(cipher_text)
puts "Decrypted plain text: " + decrypted_plain_text
And the outcome:
AES128 in CBC mode Plain text: Some important txt we want to encrypt
Cipher text:
Decrypted plain text: �܇�Σ }w�D�A:xt we want to encrypt
You're using a different, random IV on the decryption. This value must be identical. That is you capture it when encrypting:
iv = cipher.random_iv
Then you decrypt using that:
cipher.iv = iv
Then it decrypts properly. You need the same key + IV pair in order for the decryption to succeed.