I'm using amplify with GraphQL and DynamoDB as backend which works through AppSync. AppSync generates json based on vtl and executes it (I don't know in fact what part of the service executes it) - so it names as Resolver Mapping Template
I need to cover all my GraphQL endpoints with custom resolvers written by me but development hurts, cause I cannot find any workaround how to simplify development and testing except via aws console, what is slow and inconvenient
What I tried
As an approach I tried to create DynamoDB
json files and upload them via awscli
, but AppSync
uses another json format - Resolver Mapping Template
What I need
I would like to know any workaround and guidelines how to develop, debug and test my resolvers.
So I need 2 options or both
stuff. nice to haveThe recommendation would be to use the Amplify CLI to manage auto-creating the resolvers as well as updating them yourself to alleviate some of the 'development hurts' part.
I noticed that you mentioned one of the things you are looking for is the ability to rapidly test the resolvers (that in this case amplify cli will create for you) but as stated it will take some time with every amplify push for the cfn to update. What might interest in you (and potentially alleviate this issue for you) is this new RFC for the amplify cli:
See if it covers your needs if not, add a comment to that github post.