I'm trying to insert data to my database with a simple procedure but when I click my button I keep getting back:
'Must declare the scalar variable "@categoryid".
I can add that another data addition without a variable works without a problem.
Where do I make a mistake?
Insert class:
public partial class B_Line
public B_Line()
this.Budget_Scheme = new HashSet<Budget_Scheme>();
public int Line_id { get; set; }
public int Category_id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Comment { get; set; }
public void InsertLine(int categoryID, string name, string comment)
using (var connection = Connection.ConnectionFactory.GetOpenConnection())
List<B_Line> lines = new List<B_Line>();
lines.Add(new B_Line {Category_id = categoryID, Name = name, Comment = comment});
connection.Execute("dbo.Insert_Line @categoryid, @name, @comment", lines);
Excecute button:
private void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
B_Line lines = new B_Line();
int ID_Kategorii = Int32.Parse(categoryID.Text);
lines.InsertLine(ID_Kategorii, nameLine.Text, commentLine.Text);
Stored procedure MSSQL:
ALTER procedure [dbo].[Insert_Lines](@categoryid int, @name nchar(40), @comment nchar(100)) as insert into BCategory (Category_id, Name, Comment) Values (@categoryid, @name, @comment)
You will find all the help you need here:
sections "Parameters" and the following one "Stored Procedures". Have fun! :)