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How to initiate a Media Conversion with Ruby in AWS Lambda?

I'm trying to start a MediaConvert job with Ruby in AWS Lambda after a file has been uploaded to a bucket. The event kicks off fine, but I'm having trouble initiating the job.

I was trying to follow instructions from here to initiate the client:

And from here to kick off the job:

# Event to kick off the media conversion: file uploaded to a bucket
sourceS3Bucket = event['Records'][0]['s3']['bucket']['name']
sourceS3Key = event['Records'][0]['s3']['object']['key']
sourceS3 = 's3://'+ sourceS3Bucket + '/' + sourceS3Key
jobMetadata['input'] = sourceS3

# Loading the MediaConvert settings
json_from_file ='job.json')
jobSettings = JSON.parse(json_from_file)

# Initiating a client
client =
  access_key_id: ENV['ACCESS_KEY_ID'],
  secret_access_key: ENV['SECRET_ACCESS_KEY']

# Kicking off a job
response = client.create_job({
  Role: ENV['MediaConvertRole'],
  UserMetadata: jobMetadata,
  Settings: jobSettings

I'm getting this error:

Critical exception from handler
  "errorMessage": "uninitialized constant Aws::MediaConvert",
  "errorType": "Function<NameError>",
  "stackTrace": [
    "/var/task/convert.rb:38:in `rescue in call'",
    "/var/task/convert.rb:6:in `call'"

I'm unsure why the function is failing, do you have any clues please?


  • You need to install aws-sdk-mediaconvert gem. Add this to Gemfile:

    gem 'aws-sdk-mediaconvert'

    and run


    If you still getting this error require it at the top of your MediaConvert job:

    require 'aws-sdk-mediaconvert'