I have process that needs to create a bunch of records in the database and roll everything back if anything goes wrong. What I want to do is this:
Public Structure Result
Public Success as Boolean
Public Message as String
End Structure
Private _Repository as IEntityRepository
Public Function SaveOrganization( _
ByVal organization As rv_o_Organization) As Result
Dim result = Result.Empty
_Repository.Transaction = _Repository.Connection.BeginTransaction()
''//Performs validation then saves it to the database
''// using the current transaction
result = SaveMasterOrganization(organization.MasterOrganization)
If (Not result.Success) Then
GoTo somethingBadHappenedButNotAnException
End If
''//Performs validation then saves it to the database
''//using the current transaction
result = SaveOrganziation(dbOrg, organization)
If (Not result.Success) Then GoTo somethingBadHappenedButNotAnException
Return result
End Sub
Is this an ok use of the GoTo statement, or just really bad design? Is there a more elegant solution? Hopefully this sample is able to get the point across
If you have to ask, don't do it.
For your specific code, you could do it like this:
Public Function SaveOrganization(ByVal organization As rv_o_Organization) As Result
Dim result As Result = Result.Empty
_Repository.Transaction = _Repository.Connection.BeginTransaction()
'Performs validation then saves it to the database
'using the current transaction
result = SaveMasterOrganization(organization.MasterOrganization)
'Performs validation then saves it to the database
'using the current transaction
If result.Success Then result = SaveOrganziation(dbOrg, organization)
Return result
End Sub