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how to use materialize-stepper with angular

I am using materialize-stepper with angular 6. From the documentation I have to write some HTML and then initialize DOM element like

let stepperInstace = new MStepper(stepper, {
      // options
      firstActive: 0 // this is the default

And the HTML

<ul class="stepper linear" #contentTypeStepper>
    <li class="step active">
        <div class="step-title waves-effect">E-mail</div>
        <div class="step-content">
            <!-- Your step content goes here (like inputs or so) -->
            <div class="step-actions">
                <!-- Here goes your actions buttons -->
                <button class="waves-effect waves-dark btn next-step">CONTINUE</button>
    <li class="step">
        <div class="step-title waves-effect">Data</div>
        <div class="step-content">
            <!-- Your step content goes here (like inputs or so) -->
            <div class="step-actions">
                <!-- Here goes your actions buttons -->
                <button class="waves-effect waves-dark btn next-step">CONTINUE</button>

and CSS entry in angular.json

"styles": [

In the ts I am importing it like

import MStepper from "materialize-stepper/dist/js/mstepper";

contentTypeStepper: ElementRef;

iContentTypeStepper: any;

and initializing it like

ngAfterViewInit(): void {
    console.log("TCL: AdminContentTypeDetailComponent -> MStepper", MStepper);
    this.iContentTypeStepper = MStepper.constructor(this.contentTypeStepper.nativeElement, {
          firstActive: 0 // this is the default


but this is not working. What can be the issue?


  • This library hasn't been properly modularized which makes it a bit more obtuse to work with. There are posts out there on how to create a .d.ts file for the library in order to use the import syntax for a library like this. I have often found that it is easier to not do that though.

    The easiest way to work with this library in Angular is to make it a 'globally' available library.

    In your angular.json file, make sure you have


    in your scripts property.

    And in your styles property(as you have listed above. Also put


    Then in your ts file, replace

    import MStepper from "materialize-stepper/dist/js/mstepper";


    declare const MStepper: any;

    With that in place, your above code should work.