For my AI class, I have to make a quantum tic-tac-toe game using alpha-beta pruning.
I'm thinking about the best way to represent a state of the board - my first intuition is to use a sort of neighborhood matrix, that is, a 9x9 matrix, and on M[i,j]
is the integer which represents the move in which (tic-tac-toe) squares i
and j
are marked (if there is no such connection - M[i,j]
is zero). M[i,i]
is not 0 if square i
is collapsed. Then, I would create a game tree of such matrices and use classical minimax with alpha-beta pruning.
However, it seems that this approach would be quite expensive - there would be a relatively big branching factor plus the basic operations for every node - checking for cycles and finding all equivalent states for 9x9 matrix.
I have a feeling that there's got to be a smarter solution - maybe something along the line as seeing a quantum game as a set of classical tic-tac-toe games and use a kind of generalized minimax search, so it would all regress to a (small) set of classical tic-tac-toe problems? I can't see how that would work exactly.
Does anyone have experience with this (or similar) problem, and could you point me in the right direction?
If anyone is still interested in this
I ended up using two seperate data structures:
When we entangle nodes A and B: