I have added the documents into the solr using the solr client java API Consider 2 fields, field1 | field2 aaa@test.com value1
I was able to successfully index the documents.
In the solr admin UI when i executed the query i was able to see 1 record with these above values.
In the admin UI I have enabled Facet on this field and try to execute the query. But i got result in splitted values as shown below
Checked the facet checkbox and in the facet.field = owner and then clicked execute query got the below result
If you see in the above result i got splited string how to get that in single output aaa@test.com , 1
Please help me on this
The facets are generated from the tokens for the field. If you're using a text based field with a tokenizer attached, the value will be split into multiple tokens.
To get the behavior you want, use a string
field and reindex your content to that field. Use a copyField
instruction if you still want to be able to search with partial content against the field, and facet on the new field instead.