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How to set Python EVE REST API serving settings for the database on MongoDB Atlas

Problem Summary

I'm trying to setup a python eve REST API server with mongodb at localhost 5000 ( In the beginning, my mongodb was hosted at localhost 27017, and the API connection worked perfectly. But I want to change the database to a cloud server, so I dumped my db to MongoDB Atlas and tried to revise the MONGO_HOST and add the user credentials in the file. But it didn't work. Here's the code I've tried to revise.

Before change

MONGO_HOST = 'localhost'
MONGO_PORT = 27017
URL_PREFIX = 'api'

After change

MONGO_HOST = '<clustername>'
URL_PREFIX = 'api'

I've also tried to follow the instruction from official to access the mongoDB Atlas with pymongo and it worked successfully as below. So I think the problem may exactly be how to set the eve file for connecting to MongoDB Atlas in the correct way.

from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient("mongodb+srv://user:password@<clustername>")
db = client['db']
col = db['collection']

My questions and thoughts

  1. Is there any setting parameter I just missed? I'm not sure if the name of MONGO_HOST is wrong, but I just got it from the instruction on Atlas website. Or do I need to change the setting to the form like MONGO_URI instead? But I've tried and failed, too. LOL

  2. Does the eve REST API serve only for localhost DB (27017) when serving at localhost 5000?

  3. Any suggestions? Thanks!


  • In your, define your MONGO_URI with the param you've used in your MongoClient example. See MONGO_URI here in the documentation (