I am using Jekyll to create a personal website. I am using the Beautiful-Jekyll template that is very popular. There is a navigation bar already defined in _config.yml
. I want to make Resume link to my resume pdf.
I have accomplished that with this code (in _config.yml
# List of links in the navigation bar
Moi: "aboutme"
- Hell Game: "http://deanattali.com/beautiful-jekyll/"
- Success City: "http://www.markdowntutorial.com/"
Resume: "Tech Resume.pdf"
However, this only opens the resume in the same tab. I want it to open in a separate tab. In HTML, you achieve this by using target="_blank"
. How do I do this in YAML?
I tried this but my index.html
actually doesn't use links. I know, weird.
beautiful-jekyll/_includes/nav.html line 26:
<a href="{{ linkparts[1] | relative_url }}">{{ linkparts[0] }}</a>
Change it into:
<a href="{{ linkparts[1] | relative_url }}"
{% if linkparts[1] contains '.pdf' %}target="_blank"{% endif %}
>{{ linkparts[0] }}</a>
Or use this (java)script/solution: https://jekyllcodex.org/without-plugin/new-window-fix/