I’ve created buttons in RASA as shown below:
- text: 'Hello! How can I help?'
- title: "Technical"
payload: '/Technical'
- title: "Enquiry"
payload: '/Enquiry'
- title: "Orientation"
payload: '/Orientation'
- title: "Help Desk"
payload: '/Help'
It works fine in console(if i type “/Technical” it matches with Technical intent and performs the corresponding action correctly) but when I integrate it with slack the buttons still appear as text as shown below:
Mounika [12:58 PM]
XYZ APP [12:58 PM]
Hello! How can I help?
1: Technical (/Technical)
2: Enquiry (/Enquiry)
3: Orientation (/Orientation)
4: Help Desk (/Help)
Any help on how to replicate buttons in slack?
Note: Python version: 3.5.6 RASA NLU: 0.11.4 RASA CORE: 0.8.2
I created my Slack Input and Output channels and wrote the necessary code to redirect to the slack page and send and receive messages. But I missed defining a function that links my code written in RASA to create buttons with Slack buttons which is why I was not able to see the buttons in slack though the actions were being performed correctly. Following is the code for the same.
def _convert_to_slack_buttons(self, buttons):
return [{"text": b['title'],
"name": b['payload'],
"type": "button"} for b in buttons]
Thanks for your response!