I was able to compile the following code with gcc:
template<typename... Pack>
auto func(Pack... x) {
return (x + ...) ;
template<typename... Pack>
auto lamd = [](Pack... x) {
return (x + ...) ;
I can invoke the function template with func(1,2,3)
, but I get an error when invoking a the lambda, with lamd(1,2,3)
or lamd<int>(1,2,3)
The second definition is a variable template. It does not define the lambda's operator()
as a template, but rather takes the parameter pack for the argument types of operator()
. The resulting operator()
is a regular member function of the instantiated variable's closure type. There is no template argument deduction possible here.
So when you write lamd<int>
, the variable gets a closure type with a operator()(int)
, not something callable with 3 integers.
As mentioned already, you can use a generic lambda instead.
In C++20, if you'd need the lambda's argument types to be named and deduced, you can use the syntax:
auto lamd = []<typename... Pack>(Pack...) {}
This will define the operator as template, accepting a parameter pack, and leave the door open for template argument deduction.