i am new to Scala and gatling. i need to run scenaio if previous scenario is passed using doIf.
My code is:
object CompanyProfileRequest {
val check_company_profile: HttpRequestBuilder = http("Create Company
.get(onboarding_url_perf + "/profile")
val create_company_profile: HttpRequestBuilder = http("Create Company
.post(onboarding_url_perf + "/profile")
Scenario class is:-
object ProfileScenarios {
val createProfileScenarios: ScenarioBuilder = scenario("Create profile
.doIf(session => session.attributes.contains("NOT_FOUND")) {
And Simulation is :-
private val createProfile = ProfileScenarios
.inject(constantUsersPerSec(1) during (Integer.getInteger("ramp", 1)
Whenever i am running this simulation, I am not able to check this condition:-
.doIf(session => session.attributes.contains("NOT_FOUND"))
Any help is much appreciated.
Regards, Vikram
I was able to get your example to work, but here's a better way...
the main issue with using
.doIf(session => session.attributes.contains("NOT_FOUND"))
to implement conditional switching is that you've now got a check that will cause check_company_profile to fail when it really shouldn't (when you get a 200, for example).
A nicer way is to use a check transform to insert a boolean value into the "NOT_FOUND" variable. This way, your check_company_profile action can still pass when the office exists, and the doIf construct can just use the EL syntax and be much clearer as to why it's executing.
val check_company_profile: HttpRequestBuilder = http("Create Company Profile")
.get(onboarding_url_perf + "/profile")
status.in(200, 404), //both statuses are valid for this request
status.transform( status => 404.equals(status) ).saveAs("OFFICE_NOT_FOUND") //if the office does not exist, set a boolean flag in the session
now that you've got a boolean session variable ("OFFICE_NOT_FOUND") you can just use that in your doIf...
.doIf("${OFFICE_NOT_FOUND}") {