After importing an image using python's PIL module I would like to get the set of colours in the image as a list of rgb tuples.
What If I know before hand that there will only be 2 colours and the image will be very small, maybe 20x20 pixels? However, I will be running this algorithm over a lot of images. Will It be more effiient to loop through all pixels until I see 2 unique colours? Because I understand loops are very slow in python.
First, let's make an image. I'll just use ImageMagick to make a blue background with magenta writing:
convert -size 300x120 -background blue -fill magenta -gravity center -font AppleChancery label:"StackOverflow" PNG24:image.png
As you can see, I only specified two colours - magenta and blue, but the PNG image actually contains 200+ colours and the JPEG image contains 2,370 different colours!
So, if I want to get the two main colours, I can do this:
from PIL import Image
# Open the image
im ='image.png')
# Quantize down to 2 colour palettised image using *"Fast Octree"* method:
q = im.quantize(colors=2,method=2)
# Now look at the first 2 colours, each 3 RGB entries in the palette:
Sample Result
[0, 0, 255, 247, 0, 255]
If you write that out as 2 RGB triplets, you get:
RGB 0/0/255 = blue
RGB 247/0/255 = magenta
The best way to do this for lots of images is to use multithreading or multiprocessing if you want them done fast!