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jQuery - help with porting to a plugin

just wondering if anyone could have a look at my code that ive been trying to port to a plugin. There seem to be no errors getting logged, I just cant work out not working (this is my first attempt at a jQuery plugin so I really don't quite know what I'm doing, even though I've done a lot of work with the jQuery library).

Here is the original code (with comments):

And this is my attempt and a plugin:



  • Here you go:

    The main point:

    • Since the this pointer does not always point to the original element, you need to store a reference to it somewhere.

    Side notes:

    • As experimentX noted in the comments, you need to reference jQuery.
    • background:url(spark_01.png) is not going to work in jsFiddle.
    • Consider using a for(var i = 0; i < sparks.length; i++) when looping over a array, instead of the for(var key in sparks).