I created BREAD for using voyager with relationship column to display all the users and i want this column to show only users with admin role.
I tried to override the view but I think its wrong choice any help?
@if($row->field == 'lead_belongsto_user_relationship')
I can reach the column in the view/add
view but I don't know how to edit the array of results or how to override the query.
It is showing all the users I want to show only admin list.
I finally did it Using custom Controllers. Steps: First create new controller
php artisan make:controller LeadController
Extend Voyagers controller
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
class LeadController extends \TCG\Voyager\Http\Controllers\VoyagerBaseController
Finally you can override the relation function from VoyagerBaseController
if($request->type == "lead_belongsto_user_relationship"){
if ($search) {
$total_count = app($options->model)->where($options->label, 'LIKE', '%'.$search.'%')->count();
$relationshipOptions = app($options->model)->take($on_page)->skip($skip)
->where($options->label, 'LIKE', '%'.$search.'%')->where("role_id",3)
} else {
$total_count = app($options->model)->count();
$relationshipOptions = app($options->model)->take($on_page)->skip($skip)->where("role_id",3)->get();
Here i overrided it to select only users with role_id = 3 you can customize it as you need.
After that go to the BREAD-settings and fill in the Controller Name with your fully-qualified class-name in my case it is "\App\Http\Controllers\LeadController"