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How to format serilog property names?

I'm using Serilog and Serilog.Formatting.Compact to write logs into a file. How can I dynamically format property names?

I want each property name to include its type.

For example: bool_property_name, string_property_name, date_property_name....

logger.Information("this is a message with {property_name}", "value");


    .ForContext("property_name", "value")
    .Information("this is a message");

should be in the log:

{ ...., string_property_name: "value" }


  • So this is the solution i found.

    Some important points about this solution to notice:

    • It doesn't format the message template.
    • It formats every property - including properties added by third party enrichers for example.
    • Its still not in production. I will update if any bugs are found.
    public class LogEventPropertiesNameFormatter
        public void Format(LogEvent logEvent)
            var keys = new List<string>(logEvent.Properties.Keys);
            foreach (var key in keys)
                logEvent.AddPropertyIfAbsent(Visit(key, logEvent.Properties[key]));
        private LogEventProperty Visit(string name, LogEventPropertyValue value)
            switch (value)
            case null:
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
            case ScalarValue scalar:
                return VisitScalar(name, scalar);
            case SequenceValue sequence:
                return VisitSequence(name, sequence);
            case StructureValue scalar:
                return VisitStructure(name, scalar);
            case DictionaryValue dictionary:
                return VisitDictionary(name, dictionary);
                return new LogEventProperty(name, value);
        private LogEventProperty VisitDictionary(string name, DictionaryValue dictionary)
            var formattedElements = new Dictionary<ScalarValue, LogEventPropertyValue>(dictionary.Elements.Count);
            foreach (var element in dictionary.Elements)
                var property = Visit(element.Key.Value.ToString(), element.Value);
                formattedElements.Add(new ScalarValue(property.Name), property.Value);
            return LogEventProperty($"dict_{name}", new DictionaryValue(formattedElements));
        private LogEventProperty VisitStructure(string name, StructureValue structure)
            var properties = structure.Properties.Select(p => Visit(p.Name, p.Value));
            return new LogEventProperty($"struct_{name}", new StructureValue(properties));
        private LogEventProperty VisitSequence(string name, SequenceValue sequence)
            var elements = sequence.Elements.Select(e => Visit(null, e).Value);
            return new LogEventProperty($"seq_{name}", new SequenceValue(elements));
        private LogEventProperty VisitScalar(string name, ScalarValue scalar)
            return new LogEventProperty($"{GetScalarValueType(scalar)}_{name}", scalar);
        private string GetScalarValueType(ScalarValue value)
            switch (value.Value)
                case null:
                    return "null";
                case string _:
                case TimeSpan _:
                    return "s";
                case int _:
                case uint _:
                case long _:
                case ulong _:
                case decimal _:
                case byte _:
                case sbyte _:
                case short _:
                case ushort _:
                case double _:
                case float _:
                    return "n";
                case bool _:
                    return "b";
                case DateTime _:
                case DateTimeOffset _:
                    return "d";
                    return "o";
    public class CompactJsonFormatterTypeOverride : ITextFormatter
        private readonly ITextFormatter _textFormatter;
        private readonly LogEventPropertiesNameFormatter _logEventPropertiesNameFormatter;
        public CompactJsonFormatterTypeOverride()
            _textFormatter = new CompactJsonFormatter();
            _logEventPropertiesNameFormatter = new LogEventPropertiesNameFormatter();
        public void Format(LogEvent logEvent, TextWriter output)
            _textFormatter.Format(logEvent, output);

    Then in the logger configuration:

    new LoggerConfiguration().
        WriteTo.File(new CompactJsonFormatterTypeOverride(), "log.log")