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Unexpected "git rebase" effect?

It is git log result before rebase:

$ git log --branches --graph --oneline                                                 
* ea450cb (HEAD -> v1.0) combination lots of modifies..
* d602e25 nnew edit
| * 51bfb5f (master) abc added
* 11e16ef animals gg
* 78e1630 (origin/master, origin/HEAD, brc) important backup file is forced to commit.
* 7a87267 nc.txt is ignored, anymore.
* 5def0f6 (tag: v2.0) local .ignre and test *.dat files.
* 1591c3a ignoreDir directory *.dat files are ignored.
* f84ad0d log add
* ac462c0 .gitignore test.
* 4d1e437 .gitignore file is added
* b3574db hüloo
*   3389e5c merge2
| * bb64902 (origin/confl) Change line.
| * 14f7040 İnit for another conflict exercise.
* | ca51aef (tag: v1.0) Truth of line.
* | f4fcc04 Init for another conflict exercise.
*   0f251b2 Merge branch 'octodog'

I want to change it like (only focus at last 3 commits):

$ git log --branches --graph --oneline                                                 
* 51bfb5f (master) abc added
* ea450cb (HEAD -> v1.0) combination lots of modifies..
* d602e25 nnew edit
* 11e16ef animals gg
* 78e1630 (origin/master, origin/HEAD, brc) important backup file is forced to commit.
* 7a87267 nc.txt is ignored, anymore.
* 5def0f6 (tag: v2.0) local .ignre and test *.dat files.
* 1591c3a ignoreDir directory *.dat files are ignored.
* f84ad0d log add
* ac462c0 .gitignore test.
* 4d1e437 .gitignore file is added
* b3574db hüloo
*   3389e5c merge2
| * bb64902 (origin/confl) Change line.
| * 14f7040 İnit for another conflict exercise.
* | ca51aef (tag: v1.0) Truth of line.
* | f4fcc04 Init for another conflict exercise.
*   0f251b2 Merge branch 'octodog'

But when i done:

$ git checkout master
$ git rebase v1.0

It turned to:

$ git log --branches --graph --oneline                                                 
* 8c4a1e6 (HEAD -> master) abc added
* 22b75db animals gg
* 6f88917 important backup file is forced to commit.
* 69ef5c8 nc.txt is ignored, anymore.
* 36a270d local .ignre and test *.dat files.
* 55e7afd ignoreDir directory *.dat files are ignored.
* aac484c log add
* 5d13b95 .gitignore test.
* 51cf1e9 .gitignore file is added
* d1d37cd hüloo
| * ea450cb (v1.0) combination lots of modifies..
| * d602e25 nnew edit
| * 11e16ef animals gg
| * 78e1630 (origin/master, origin/HEAD, brc) important backup file is forced to commit.
| * 7a87267 nc.txt is ignored, anymore.
| * 5def0f6 (tag: v2.0) local .ignre and test *.dat files.
| * 1591c3a ignoreDir directory *.dat files are ignored.
| * f84ad0d log add
| * ac462c0 .gitignore test.
| * 4d1e437 .gitignore file is added
| * b3574db hüloo
| *   3389e5c merge2
| |\  
|/ /  
| * bb64902 (origin/confl) Change line.
| * 14f7040 İnit for another conflict exercise.
* | ca51aef (tag: v1.0) Truth of line.
* | f4fcc04 Init for another conflict exercise.
*   0f251b2 Merge branch 'octodog'

As you see from 3389e5c merge2 to 11e16ef animals gg , it applied commits twice.

Why it is not working as i expect? What's the way of my goal?


  • You have two things called v1.0.

    One is your current branch:

    * ea450cb (HEAD -> v1.0) combination lots of modifies..

    and the other is a tag:

    * | ca51aef (tag: v1.0) Truth of line.

    When you ask Git about v1.0, it will usually choose the tag, which in this case means commit ca51aef. This is the case for git rebase.

    (The git checkout command will choose the branch instead.)

    To make what you want to happen, actually happen, you have several choices:

    • name the commit by hash ID: git rebase ea450cb
    • name the commit by a more-complete name: git rebase heads/v1.0 or git rebase refs/heads/v1.0
    • fix the root problem by renaming the branch: v1.0 is not a good branch name but is a good tag name, so keep the tag, and change the branch name.