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How to fix 'Permission denied' in Docker sh entrypoint

I'm trying to create an easy-to-use Docker image for the Garry's Mod server. While my Docker image builds just fine, running it as a container always results in a single error: /bin/sh: 1: ./ Permission denied.

I'm using the cm2network/steamcmd image as a base. I have tried both tags that the aforementioned base image has. I have tried chmod +x, changing users to root, and fiddling with the shebang in the first line of the script, as well as a number of possible typos, particularly in file names and paths.

I have a GitHub repository for this project which auto-builds to Docker Hub. Currently, the lines of code involving the problematic script are:

# Start main script
RUN chmod +x
USER steam
CMD ./

Also, the shebang/first line of the script is currently #!/bin/sh.

Despite having no logical explanation, the script refuses to be executed, always throwing the error Permission denied. This especially confusing given that my only other public GitHub project, which is very similar (similar style Docker image with the same base OS as cm2network/steamcmd), never had any issues like this.


  • The file isn't owned by steam in the container, so the chmod +x was insufficient. Either add --chown=steam to the ADD, or change your chmod from +x to a+rx.

    Also, you didn't specify CWD or a path to put those files in. It's likely that the root version of that image has a CWD that steam can't access. You should use /home/steam/ for that instead.